Penetration Testing Services

Penetration Testing Services

 Penetration testing, also known as pentest or pentesting, describes the assessment of computer networks, systems, and applications to identify and address security weaknesses.


 Securenass provides cyber security penetration testing services. Our expert’s engagements help organizations to effectively manage cyber security risk by identifying, safely exploiting, and helping to remediate vulnerabilities that could otherwise lead to data and assets being compromised by malicious attackers.

Why your organization needs a pen test

 With threats constantly evolving, it’s recommended that every organization commissions penetration testing at least once a year, but more frequently when:

  • Making significant changes to infrastructure
  • Launching new products and services
  • Undergoing a business merger or acquisition
  • Preparing for compliance with security standards
  • Bidding for large commercial contracts
  • Utilizing and/or developing custom applications
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Securenass is a specialized cyber Security solutions, Services and Digital Forensics Provider.

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Egypt : 10 GA Sama Towers ,11th Floor, Maadi Ring Road , Cairo Egypt
Sun - Thu: 9:00 - 18:00
Fri-Sat Closed
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