Database Auditing & Monitoring



Database activity monitoring (DAM) refers to a suite of tools that can be used to support the ability to identify and report on fraudulent, illegal or other undesirable behavior, with minimal impact on user operations and productivity. Data Activity Monitoring (DAM) defines and enforce uniform data security and compliance policy across the cloud and on-premises. Enable you to Get single pane of glass management across relational databases, mainframes, big data platforms, data warehouses, and enterprise file stores. Enable you to Get alerted to suspicious access activity. Dynamic profiling automatically builds a white list of the data objects regularly accessed by individual database accounts. Create policies that alert or block access when a profiled account attempts to access a data object that is not whitelisted. Securenass provide the best DAM solution through partnering with the DAM leaders supports flexible deployment options, on-premises, in the cloud, or blended hybrid. Data activity can be monitored using a network transparent bridge, a non-inline sniffer, or a lightweight database agent, so you can meet a wide variety of enterprise needs without being locked into a one-size-fits-all deployment model. Securenass implementation team deliver the highest class of professional services with built-in quality of services process for all projects and very close support after implementation.
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