Brand Protection


Protect Against Brand Fraud

Criminals masquerade as your brand to bait your customers with phishing, scams, and counterfeit goods. No matter what form it takes, digital fraud hurts your customers and damages your brand. We discover and facilitate takedown of fake social accounts and mobile apps, as well as fraudulent domains, including those ready for use in an email phishing attack. 

Brand Hashtag Hijacking Protection

 Brand hashtag hijacking happens when someone uses your brand-related hashtag for a different purpose than you intended. Sometimes, it’s used to air grievances. Other times, bad actors use your hashtag to dupe your fans and followers with malware and phishing attacks.Our brand protection solution monitors the social sphere for your brand-related terms and hashtags, as well as discovers attacker attempts to misuse your brand across domains, mobile apps, and social accounts.
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Securenass is a specialized cyber Security solutions, Services and Digital Forensics Provider.

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